Piecing Together History

Piecing Together History

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Pedigree Reverse-Timeline?

A Pedigree Reverse-Timeline is a modification of a Pedigree Chart.

Like a Pedigree Chart the most recent individual is on the left. The father is indicated above the individual and the mother is indicated below. Essentially a hierarchy is created. And also like a Pedigree Chart each person is numbered with the father's number being twice that of the child's number and the mother's number being one more than the father's.

Unlike a Pedigree Chart, a Pedigree Reverse-Timeline displays the information on a timeline and shows the lifespan of each person. Since the most recent individual is on the left, the most recent date is also on the left providing a reverse timeline.

sample pedigree chart

To better highlight migration, the states in which an individual resided at birth and at death are also shown. The background color for each generation is unique.

How can I find a person on the Pedigree Page?
In addition to scrolling up and down the page, there are at least three other ways to find a person on the Pedigree Reverse-Timeline Page.
The background color for each generation is unique. This background generation color scheme is used in the Pedigree Reverse-Timeline Chart, in the title indicating the details for an individual on the Pedigree Page, and in the 'Who was Where When' individual listing on the Migration Page.

What does the blue right arrow   More Info mean ?
The blue right arrow More Info next to information about a person on the Pedigree Page means there is additional information that can be displayed. Often it is military information about a sibling. Or it could be the text of a document, such as an orbituary.

On non-touch screen devices hovering the cursor over the arrow will display additional information on top of the existing information. Moving the cursor off the arrow will cause this additional information to disappear.
On touch screen devices a click on the arrow will display the additional information, again on top of the existing information. This should also bring up a "close" button in the left of the table. Clicking this button will cause this additional information to disappear. (If the close button did not appear, additional clicks on the arrow should bring it up. Different touch screen devices work differently. If all else fails, click on any TOP button.)

What is going on in the Migration Page?
The design for the Migration Page is different since it contains two inline frames.
- There will be a scroll bar on the right edge of the screen when the inline frames plus the header and the footer exceed the heigth of the page. This allows you to scroll up and down in the page.
- There is also a scroll bar on the right of each frame since only part of the content can be displayed in the frame. Each scroll bar allows you to scroll up and down in that frame.

Note: When the screen is wide enough, the two frames will be displayed side by side. Otherwise, they will be stacked with the "Who was Where When" frame on top and there will be buttons added to make it easier to jump to the top of each frame.

What is the significance of the colored backgrounds for individuals?
The background color for each generation is unique. This background generation color scheme is used in the Pedigree Reverse-Timeline Chart, in the title indicating the details for an individual on the Pedigree Page, and in the 'Who was Where When' individual listing on the Migration Page.

great grandparents
2-great grandparents
3-great grandparents
4-great grandparents
5-great grandparents
6-great grandparents
7-great grandparents
8-great grandparents

How do I return to the Welcome (Home) Page?
If you want to return to the Welcome Page (also called the Home Page),